My practice day

 MY practice day, our group went to the Said po Bandi Kusho.

Said po Bandi Kusho jom`e masjidi is a mosque in Uzbekistan. Said po Bandi Kusho jom`e masjidi is located nearby to Tomb of Hazrat Said Abdulhasan Pobanda and the mosque Mullo Pairavi Mosque.

In the book "Tuhfat az-Zairin" the following genealogy is given: "Shaykh Syedul Imam Abulhasan Muhammad bin Ali bin al Husayn bin al Hasan bin al Qasim bin Muhammad bin al Qasim bin al Hasan bin Zayd bin al Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib may Allah be pleased with him. , the mashoyiki sect and the truth." It can be seen that Hazrat Saeed Abulhasan was a scholar, a scholar, scholar of the Shari'ah Tariqat - he was a sheikh of truth.
