
Showing posts from February, 2023

My practice day

 There are many historical places in Bukhara city and Uzbekistan. They are very fabulous and out- of - date buildings .However, they are learned some recourses. One of them is Nahotki Attor. We went to this area     In the centre of Bukhara to the west of the famous Lyabi Hauz square is located the oldest mosque in Bukhara – Magoki Attori – is located.

My practice day

 There are many historical places in Bukhara city. And also we could see several places, such as Toqi Sarrafon, Toqi Zargaron and Toqi Telpakfrushon . It is situated in Bukhara city. The Toki Telpak Furushon is another 16th-century covered market, where the trade was actively conducted. Toki Telpak Furushon literally means "a dome of hats and headdresses". This meaning shows that the main objects of sale were the headdress, turbans and hats.

My practice day

 There are many historical places in Bukhara region. One of them is Toqi Zargaron , it is very fabulous and beautiful. The Trading Dome Toqi Zargaron (in some sources Taqi Zargaron) is the most extensive bazaar among the bazaars of Bukhara. It is located north of the other three famous dome bazaars in the city, near the Poi Kalon complex. This majestic architectural masterpiece was built between 1569 and 1570 under the rule of Abdullah Khan II of the Shaibanid dynasty.

My practice day

There are a lot of historical places in Bukhara city. One of them is Toqi Sarrafon , it is very fabulous and there are markets , shops , exhibitions and so on. The majestic trade dome Toqi Sarrafon is located at the intersection of several streets that connect the city centre of Bukhara with a medieval suburb (Registan and Rabat). The structure was named after the Sarrafs - the merchants who transformed it. Traditionally, the exchange of currencies of different states was carried out by Indians. This means that the dome can be considered one of the oldest "currency exchanges" in the East. The main part of the structure - a huge dome - stands on four large arches and on all sides this structure is surrounded by various buildings.

My practice day

 OUR Group went to the Turki Jandi  It is very little area and aksi I saw well for water  I find out some information about this places in books a lot . Every place has its own culture and burial traditions. To uncover more about this area's approach to the afterlife, spend some time at Turki Jandi mausoleum.

My practice day

 MY practice day, our group went to the Said po Bandi Kusho. Said po Bandi Kusho jom`e masjidi is a mosque in Uzbekistan. Said po Bandi Kusho jom`e masjidi is located nearby to Tomb of Hazrat Said Abdulhasan Pobanda and the mosque Mullo Pairavi Mosque. In the book "Tuhfat az-Zairin" the following genealogy is given: "Shaykh Syedul Imam Abulhasan Muhammad bin Ali bin al Husayn bin al Hasan bin al Qasim bin Muhammad bin al Qasim bin al Hasan bin Zayd bin al Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib may Allah be pleased with him. , the mashoyiki sect and the truth." It can be seen that Hazrat Saeed Abulhasan was a scholar, a scholar, scholar of the Shari'ah Tariqat - he was a sheikh of truth.

My practice day

 MY practice day was very fabulous because I went to the Boboi Poraduz places  This is area very huge and there is a well for water  This tomb is located opposite the Jewish cemetery on Ibrokhim Muminov Street. It is a rarely visited area by tourists though a popular place for locals with the Central Park being a short walk north. The entrance to the tomb complex is through an impressive brick archway with star shaped designs on the underside. Continue walking along the path which is covered in grape vines and the tomb will come into view. It is a simple portal design with persian styled archway. The familiar use of tiles with blue shades is seen above the entrance. There are white topped columns on either side of the portal and a dome, topped by a screened window (pandzhara), was a prominent feature of the building.